Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It has been too long...

Boy I am really bad at this blog thing. You would think I would have PLENTY of time on my hands to blog...and yet I somehow forget everyday. Anyway, I would try and fill you all in on everything that has been happening but I fear I would be at this computer ALL day if I did so.. I will just do a brief update on what has been happening in this Kingston household.

On December 28th, Landon and I found out something extremely exciting...we are expecting to have a little one in our home September 7th! Yup, that means that I am pregnant! We were trying, so it wasn't a accident or anything like that. It was something we both were wanting and we felt it was time to start trying. I stopped taking my birth control November that just shows that it was time since it happened so quickly! Right now, I am 9 weeks along and I am the happiest I have ever been! Anyway, we told our families on New Years Eve. Well, we wanted to wait longer but my mom found out because she can read me like a book..even over the phone. She could tell there was something I wasn't saying and she guessed it! How do mom's do that!? I guess I will soon learn. So since my family knew, we felt it was only appropriate to tell Landon's family as well. I had bought a cheesecake and had the people at the store write on the top, "Happy New Year! From, Parents-to-be 2010." Mom Kingston took, what felt like, FOREVER to notice that there was something written on the cheesecake. She was trying to read it backwards, since she was on the other side of the counter, and couldn't quite make it out so she asked us what it said. We just said, "Go look" and as soon as she read it she started screaming and crying. Haha it was such a fun time to see all there expressions. We weren't going to tell anybody else for a while but one Sunday, I believe it was the 10th of January, Mom and Dad Kingston were speaking in church so Landon and I went up to hear them. Relief Society was about to start and I was getting really hungry so I asked Landon to go and grab some crackers from the car. As soon as Donna Halliday, a fabulous lady from Landon's home ward, saw me eating Saltines, she asked if I had some good news to share...because of SALTINES! People are just way to clever. By that point I just didn't want to try and keep anything in any longer so we told our close friends and then posted it on facebook for everyone to see. It is still crazy to think that I am pregnant! However, I have been feeling the effects of pregnancy...whoever thought of the name morning sickness obviously never experienced it because it isn't just in the morning. I have it all day long. Thankfully it has calmed down quite a bit so I haven't been as sick as other people.

Landon was asked to go to California for a kick off convention for his work. I was so proud of him because he has only been in his new position for 4 months now, but three months when he was asked to go. It was in the middle of January. Anyway, they are finally noticing his hard work. We are so blessed to have this job. They really treat their employees with lots of care and respect. What a blessing to have a job like that, especially during this bad economic time. Landon had his birthday a couple days ago! It was a lot of fun! We went to Rib City with some of our close friends, Andrew and Sophie and their little one Kennedy, and with Natalie and her whole family! It was so fun to have loved ones with us on his special day! For his birthday I bought him concert tickets to go see Brian Regan in March. We are really excited to go, especially me because I have never seen him in concert before. Landon just loves watching him because he is so funny so I know we will have a great time.

Then, yesterday was the best day of my life so far. I was able to go to the doctor for our first visit and see and hear the baby's heartbeat! As soon as the nurse put the wand on my belly and we got a clear picture of our little gummy bear, it started waving its arms around like it was waving at us! It was so incredible! There is a baby, OUR baby, growing inside of me! The heartbeat was so fast. It is just amazing to think that this is happening. It was an even more assurance to me that there is a loving Heavenly Father who has blessed our lives with this special spirit for us to raise here on earth. I just can't wait to hold he/she in my arms and kiss every finger and every toe and the cute nose and everything...I am so excited! Of course I cried a little as soon as I saw it. That is one negative thing about being are SO emotional! Everything these days seems to make me cry and I just know it is going to get worse. I am already an emotional person but it seems like it is 10 times worse! haha oh well. It is all worth it in the end.

One other thing that happened is that I withdrew from school just a few days after it started. My school schedule was really crazy. I would have been doing 4 research papers, a ton of reflection papers, as well as reading a ton and working and trying to be a wife and an expectant mother. Landon felt it would probably be healthier for me and for the baby if I withdrew and didn't have that much stress to deal with, especially during my first trimester. At first I was completely against the idea. I felt like I would be giving up on something and I never give up. But, after much prayer and after going to the temple, I felt the same thing that Landon did. So, on January 13th, I officially withdrew from UVU. I have had more time on my hands then I can deal with! I am not working that much, due to being low on hours, so I find myself sitting at home on facebook WAY to much. I can only clean the house so many times and do laundry so many times. I get really bored. But I feel as if I need to be doing something more. I need to find a talent that I can pick up so I can become a better person and a better wife and soon-to-be mom. It is just getting the motivation of doing so. I have never been so tired in my life then I am now. I guess it is a good thing I am not in school because I wouldn't have any energy to do any of the homework or anything like that because of this first trimester. It has definately been an adventure, but it has been a really fun adventure. I can't wait to see what else the Lord has instore for us! I promise I will write again a lot sooner then last time! More to come!

1 comment:

  1. oh congrats landon and stefanie! that is so exciting! being parents is awesome and you wont remember what life was like before you had he/she. What an exciting time! I hope you get feeling a lot better the 2nd trimester is usaully always better! congrats again! keep us posted!
